Phillips Petroleum Company is headquartered in Bartlesville, Okla., where the company was founded in 1917. SPS International is a global company who specialise in pre-completion wellbore cleanup equipment and services. The company currently has 210 employees worldwide. The headquarters is based in Westhill, Aberdeen Scotland. SPS also have offices in Norway, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Kuala Lumpur, Houston, Louisiana, New Orleans, Brazil and Equatorial Guineà. SPS have five main product lines: Mechanical Wellbore Cleanup Systems (Comprehensive Tool portfolio).Surface Filtration Equipment (Includes Oily Water Separation).Casing & Pit Cleaning Technologies (Chemical Products).Vessel Management Systems VMS? (Includes Pit & Vacuum Services).Powder Handling Systems (Safer & Environmentally Friendly Bulk Handling).Total Displacement Management Service TDMS – TDMS can bring together all the product lines into one unique package as appropriate or on an individual well or project by project basis. TDMS provides a single source project management solution to all your wellbore displacement and cleanup requirements.